Seven Tips to Getting the Best Price When Selling Your Home in Kirkland Washington
If you’re looking to sell your house in Kirkland, Washington, there are a few things that can help you get the best price. Here are some tips on how to do just that!

1) Clean up. The first thing buyers will notice is if your home is clean and tidy or not; it’s much easier for them to imagine living in an organized space than one with clutter everywhere! So make sure all surfaces are free of dust, dirt, or other debris. You might want to give the floors a quick sweep as well. It also helps if any furniture looks like it’s been recently dusted and polished too.
Cleaning up helps potential buyers imagine themselves living in your home, making sure all surfaces are free of debris and clutter.
Take out the trash! If you have any garbage, excess paper clutter, or old items that are no longer useful, then consider getting rid of them now to avoid potential distractions for interested parties. It’s also a good idea to clean up any messes in the kitchen since this reflects on you, the home’s owner.
2) Get rid of anything that doesn’t look good enough for public viewing – every room should be completely ready before you show your house to potential buyers. That means everything from the kitchen appliances, bathroom accessories, and lighting around the house has to be in good condition. You can even get rid of old carpets and lay new ones to lessen the time spent cleaning.
Having a garage sale is a great way to get rid of things that haven’t been used in years, but you shouldn’t use the items still in good condition. Instead, take anything that is still of value to a local consignment shop or sell them online.
3) Open up spaces if you can – don’t move anything out of sight, but do move some things out of view that you think might be distracting or create an obstacle for buyers looking around your home. Once you’ve opened up a space, make sure it also looks neat.
Chairs may make a space feel cluttered, particularly if they’re large or small and don’t match. You can replace a chair with a sofa or other seating arrangement to make a room appear larger.
Keep furniture away from the windows – it can create blocks in hallways and rooms that might force people to walk single file to pass through. So instead, thin room dividers create a walkway or take them entirely out of the room.
Don’t place furniture directly in front of a fireplace. You don’t want to block it if buyers have an interest in using it. Instead, keep your firewood indoors and stack some logs near the hearth so that they look inviting from the other side of the room.
Don’t leave a single bed in your living space – it’s challenging to visualize a family or roommate situation in an area when there’s only one bed or chair. Instead, use built-in storage to make the space appear larger and more functional for multiple people.
If you have a computer desk with matching furniture, put together a man cave or other area where it can be secluded from the main living area. Add a bar to provide additional seating for entertaining guests.
Don’t leave personal effects out – you may think they are unique, but buyers might not have the same sentimental attachment to them as you do. If there’s something that buyers will find particularly interesting about them, make sure to mention it in your listing.
Remove all food and drinks from the kitchen – you might think they make the space more inviting, but they also leave dirt marks on your range top or leave an unpleasant odor that buyers will remember when making their decision about whether or not to purchase your home.
If you have a trash compactor, remove the trash bags and keep them closed to avoid an unpleasant smell. If you have a garbage disposal, leave the dishwasher open or run it while buyers are walking through so that they can see how clean and well-maintained your house is.
4) Don’t exaggerate the features in your home – not only does this make you look like you’re trying to sell your house with cheap gimmicks, but buyers will also be able to see right through it. So don’t say there are 10-foot ceilings when there are really only 8-foot ones, for example.
Speaking of which, don’t make your home seem more significant than it is by adding decorative touches. It’s also a good idea not to say that you have more bedrooms or bathrooms than you actually do – people will see through this too. A garage counts as a “bonus room,” so putting that in the virtual tour is a little misleading.
Kitchens and baths are usually the highlights of a house tour, so make sure you don’t exaggerate your features there. Some buyers love open floor plans, while others hate it; either way, if you say you have an open floor plan but really don’t (when they come to visit), this will be obvious too. And don’t say you have lots of windows and skylights if you really don’t.
You can do several things to make your house sell faster and for more money, and exaggerating features is not one of them. In fact, when buyers see that they’re being tricked into thinking false information about your home, this is the opposite of what you want to happen.
Trying to sell your house can be a stressful process, but don’t exaggerate the features in your home because it will only cause more problems than it’s worth.

5) Go neutral with the decorating – you might love that bright pink wall in your living room, but it probably won’t look good on glossy home photographs taken by a professional photographer. So stay away from bold paint colors and opt for neutrals instead if you want to get the best value possible for your home!
The appeals of bright colors are apparent. They’re versatile, bold, and they can be completely transforming when it comes to decorating your home. Unfortunately, though, neutral tones have the same appeal when it comes to selling your house in the real estate market. Like it or not, pastel-colored walls make a property look larger on camera. Also, solid white walls look better not only on camera but also in person.
The trick is to go neutral and still have a little color. The last thing you want is for your house to be devoid of personality, and the only colors present are those of the sky and grass outside. Some neutrals that work well include off-white (ivory, eggshell, etc.), gray (seafoam, dove), and beige. These colors can look good with other warm colors like gold, yellow, orange, reds, and pinks.
A little color goes a long way when it comes to decorating the rooms in your house. It’s best to have a neutral base color and then have a few accent colors. For example, you could paint the walls white with a red dresser, yellow stool, and a teal side table. Or you can paint the wall pink with a blue sofa, green chair, and an orange ottoman. The possibilities are endless with neutrals!
6) Declutter and de-personalize – remember all that stuff you kept hidden in the drawers because it made the place look messy? Now is your chance to get rid of it, or at least hide it better. This includes personal photos (get some nice landscape shots instead), letters and paperwork, and even those shoes you thought nobody would notice that were left under the coffee table!
One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make when selling a home is keeping too much furniture and decor. If you want to sell your house quickly, it’s vital to declutter and de-personalize. This may sound horrible because you probably have very nice things at home that you’d hate to part with, but remember – these are just items. They hold very little value compared to the value of your house.
People who have lived in a home for a long time tend to clutter the house with things that don’t belong. They also tend to decorate their homes with personal items that aren’t quickly sold, meaning the buyers of your home may not want these things.
On the other hand, if everything is picked up and cleaned with minimal decor, your buyer can easily see themselves living in the house. In addition, they will be more likely to move in quickly because it will feel like home.
7) Get a fresh coat of paint – if you’re going to go neutral with your decorating, it might be a good idea to repaint the walls using some warmer shades. This makes your home look more welcoming and cozy straight away from the outside.
Painting is also a good idea if you’re going to be doing any renovations. It’s beneficial to have a fresh coat of paint on the walls before you put up your new tiles or start tearing out wiring, as it makes sure that none of the old paint gets into the areas that are being worked on.
Having a fresh coat of paint also means that you get to choose a new color scheme. It’s a good idea to clean out your home before you set up new decor, as it makes sure that everything goes together cohesively.
If your house needs a little touch of sprucing before selling it on the market, make sure you get a fresh coat of paint. It can make all the difference in how your house feels to the people who come to see it!